import { StyleSheet, Image, Platform } from 'react-native';
import { Collapsible } from '@/components/Collapsible';
import { ExternalLink } from '@/components/ExternalLink';
import ParallaxScrollView from '@/components/ParallaxScrollView';
import { ThemedText } from '@/components/ThemedText';
import { ThemedView } from '@/components/ThemedView';
import { IconSymbol } from '@/components/ui/IconSymbol';
export default function TabTwoScreen() {
return (
This app includes example code to help you get started.
This app has two screens:{' '}
app/(tabs)/index.tsx and{' '}
The layout file in app/(tabs)/_layout.tsx{' '}
sets up the tab navigator.
Learn more
You can open this project on Android, iOS, and the web. To open the web version, press{' '}
w in the terminal running this project.
For static images, you can use the @2x and{' '}
@3x suffixes to provide files for
different screen densities
Learn more
Open app/_layout.tsx to see how to load{' '}
custom fonts such as this one.
Learn more
This template has light and dark mode support. The{' '}
useColorScheme() hook lets you inspect
what the user's current color scheme is, and so you can adjust UI colors accordingly.
Learn more
This template includes an example of an animated component. The{' '}
components/HelloWave.tsx component uses
the powerful react-native-reanimated{' '}
library to create a waving hand animation.
ios: (
The components/ParallaxScrollView.tsx{' '}
component provides a parallax effect for the header image.
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
headerImage: {
color: '#808080',
bottom: -90,
left: -35,
position: 'absolute',
titleContainer: {
flexDirection: 'row',
gap: 8,