# Sunhat 👒

## A Fork of Omakub, turned into a Fedora Config

### Note: This is my personal config. I wouldn't necessarily recommend using it.

#### Install:
wget -qO- https://github.com/gibbyb/sunhat/releases/download/1.0/install.sh | bash
##### Mirror:
wget -qO- https://git.gibbyb.com/gib/sunhat/releases/download/1.0/install.sh | bash

##### To Do:

- [ ] Add a way to change the font & theme of kitty using the script
- [ ] Add a themes for Neovim that are not using LazyVim
- [X] Configure GNOME extensions with cli tool.
- [ ] Add a way to update all packages installed with git in the packages folder.
- [ ] Add a way to update all links to packages installed by link